Youth Community Center
Guidelines for the use of the Youth and Community Center of Sharon Community Presbyterian Church
These Guidelines have been developed so that SCPC may provide service to the community by making space available
for member or non-member groups to meet, while at the same time not infringing upon or restricting important church
meetings, activities or functions.
1. Any group wishing to use SCPC facilities must be non-profit.
2. Activities may be scheduled during the hours of 8:00 AM until midnight.
3. Alcoholic beverages, smoking, guns, gambling and raffles are prohibited.
4. Any individual under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult sponsor while in this building.
5. No pets or animals are permitted in the building.
6. The organization is liable for any damage to the building, furnishings or equipment.
7. A certificate of liability insurance in the amount of at least $1,000,000 is required. The church may request to be
added as an additional insured.
8. . Fees are $45 per hour for gym usage
9. Fees are assessed for all scheduled dates and times except for weather-related cancellations as determined by the
church administrator.
10. Payment must be received by the church office prior to use of the facility.
11. Check or money order may be made payable to Sharon Community Presbyterian Church. Payment must be
marked with the name of the organization and scheduled dates of use. Payments may be placed in the mail slot
located at the main building/church office door or mailed to 522 Carnot Rd. Moon Twp, PA 15108.
12. Sharon Church reserves the right to change or cancel any scheduled dates.
Use of gym:
1. Food and drink are prohibited on the gym floor.
2. Chairs and tables are not permitted on gym floor.
3. Non-marking court shoes are required for activities on the gym floor. Hard soled shoes are not permitted.
4. Hard balls and equipment are not permitted.
5. Abusive or profane language will not be permitted.
6. Please respect our building. Put items back into closet, keep things neat, and sweep the floor before you leave.
7. Please fill out the YCC Sign In/Out Sheet every time you use the gym.
To schedule time for your event, contact the church administrator via e-mail [email protected] or 412-264-7400.
Fee will be assessed for all scheduled dates and times except for weather-related cancellations as determined by the
church administrator. Should your group cancel scheduled gym use, you remain responsible for payment of all scheduled
YCC time regardless of your reason for cancellation. Should Sharon Church cancel your scheduled gym use, all fees will
be refunded.
For questions about payments and billing contact e-mail the church bookkeeper at [email protected]
For medical emergencies contact the Moon Police at 412-262-5000 or 911.
For building emergencies contact Doug Busch 412-287-6579
For issues about the physical building (doors, bathrooms, gym) contact the church administrator
at [email protected]
These Guidelines have been developed so that SCPC may provide service to the community by making space available
for member or non-member groups to meet, while at the same time not infringing upon or restricting important church
meetings, activities or functions.
1. Any group wishing to use SCPC facilities must be non-profit.
2. Activities may be scheduled during the hours of 8:00 AM until midnight.
3. Alcoholic beverages, smoking, guns, gambling and raffles are prohibited.
4. Any individual under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult sponsor while in this building.
5. No pets or animals are permitted in the building.
6. The organization is liable for any damage to the building, furnishings or equipment.
7. A certificate of liability insurance in the amount of at least $1,000,000 is required. The church may request to be
added as an additional insured.
8. . Fees are $45 per hour for gym usage
9. Fees are assessed for all scheduled dates and times except for weather-related cancellations as determined by the
church administrator.
10. Payment must be received by the church office prior to use of the facility.
11. Check or money order may be made payable to Sharon Community Presbyterian Church. Payment must be
marked with the name of the organization and scheduled dates of use. Payments may be placed in the mail slot
located at the main building/church office door or mailed to 522 Carnot Rd. Moon Twp, PA 15108.
12. Sharon Church reserves the right to change or cancel any scheduled dates.
Use of gym:
1. Food and drink are prohibited on the gym floor.
2. Chairs and tables are not permitted on gym floor.
3. Non-marking court shoes are required for activities on the gym floor. Hard soled shoes are not permitted.
4. Hard balls and equipment are not permitted.
5. Abusive or profane language will not be permitted.
6. Please respect our building. Put items back into closet, keep things neat, and sweep the floor before you leave.
7. Please fill out the YCC Sign In/Out Sheet every time you use the gym.
To schedule time for your event, contact the church administrator via e-mail [email protected] or 412-264-7400.
Fee will be assessed for all scheduled dates and times except for weather-related cancellations as determined by the
church administrator. Should your group cancel scheduled gym use, you remain responsible for payment of all scheduled
YCC time regardless of your reason for cancellation. Should Sharon Church cancel your scheduled gym use, all fees will
be refunded.
For questions about payments and billing contact e-mail the church bookkeeper at [email protected]
For medical emergencies contact the Moon Police at 412-262-5000 or 911.
For building emergencies contact Doug Busch 412-287-6579
For issues about the physical building (doors, bathrooms, gym) contact the church administrator
at [email protected]